Ten Things I can Do for my Husband
I came across this list from my journal of 4 years ago. It stemmed from a group study of the book "Created to be a help meet," by Debbie Pearl. It encouraged and inspired me for today so I thought I'd share:
How to be more precious to my husband:
1. Smile at him whenever I see him
2. Have healthy pupus (appetizers) always on hand
3. When he shares about a hard day walk over and start rubbing his back
How to be a better help meet:
4. Do the errands he asks of me THE DAY HE ASKS
5. Ask him about what he needs (what laundry, errands, phone calls, prayers, etc.)
6. Never let the trash build up outside of the can (a MAJOR pet peeve of his)
How to be an encouragement:
7. Once a day praise something physical about him
8. thank him EVERYDAY for providing
9. Ask him to pray with me everyday
How can I change my appearance for him:
10. Shave every other day
I'm so glad I wrote this simple list. It's obviously not exhaustive, but I can always come back to it--even 4 years later--and come up with something to do for him TODAY. I realized recently that when I do things for someone it endears them to me. I've found this so true recently as I've been more proactive in serving John--he has become more dear, even more attractive to me. Thank you Lord for the benefits that come when we love our husbands intentionally.