So while I am on the subject, I should mention that I talked with my bro-in-law, Mike, last night about how to preserve tulip bulbs so they continue to produce. Mike is a Schaffitzel of "Schaffitzel Greenhouse" here in town....the man is a down-to-earth plant wizard. Mike said to "idealy" give them one month after the bloom falls to continue to "feed." That means they are still sucking nutrients from the soil, but not spending those nutrients on the bloom any longer. He mentioned that you could probably just wait til May 1st though. Then he said to pull them and hang them. I plan to tie a string across a wall in the garage and use close pins. Then after they dry completely, cut off the foilage and store somewhere dark until the fall when you plant them again. I'll try and post some pics of the tulip drying process.
I am sure I could be more eloquent with this post, but it's late. I was on the road today visiting my grandparents with the girls (and cousin Sam) and I am plum tired. All I can say is let's get one of my Seattle sisters to get on here and post some REAL pics of tulips from the fields they will be visiting this Easter weekend with Dad, Mom et al.