Here in SW Missouri it is Spring. That means that the buds are coming in on most of the trees. The daffodils and tulips are up. The ice cream man has made several passes down the street. The weather radio is on the counter. The grass has needed one mowing. Ants are showing up one at a time in various places in the house....though the kitchen gets about 75% of them. It also means that there will be several random nights (and days) that you least expect and highly detest of freezing temperatures. So when we had 2 consecutive days forcasted last week....I picked a select handful of tulips, put them in my blue mason jar (Anne gave all of us sisters one) and hoped for the best. Well, the rest of my tulips made it, so no worries. I had SUCH high hopes, that's why I didn't pick them all. My neighbor had similar fears and brought me over a coveted bouquet of lilacs with a single purple tulip in the center...bliss. What IS it about tulips? I don't think it's just that they are the first blast of color after the deadness of winter....I think it is truly because they are rad flowers. I am pretty sure, sisters correct me if I am wrong, that a red tulip is Dad's favorite.
So while I am on the subject, I should mention that I talked with my bro-in-law, Mike, last night about how to preserve tulip bulbs so they continue to produce. Mike is a Schaffitzel of "Schaffitzel Greenhouse" here in town....the man is a down-to-earth plant wizard. Mike said to "idealy" give them one month after the bloom falls to continue to "feed." That means they are still sucking nutrients from the soil, but not spending those nutrients on the bloom any longer. He mentioned that you could probably just wait til May 1st though. Then he said to pull them and hang them. I plan to tie a string across a wall in the garage and use close pins. Then after they dry completely, cut off the foilage and store somewhere dark until the fall when you plant them again. I'll try and post some pics of the tulip drying process.
I am sure I could be more eloquent with this post, but it's late. I was on the road today visiting my grandparents with the girls (and cousin Sam) and I am plum tired. All I can say is let's get one of my Seattle sisters to get on here and post some REAL pics of tulips from the fields they will be visiting this Easter weekend with Dad, Mom et al.

Tulips are one of the things a Hawaii girl might get jealous over. Thankfully I came home to a bouquet of them on Saturday after some "getting out" time. I so wish I could follow your instructions re. drying them out. I'm drying out japanese mountain yams instead right now. Fun post Teeny.